2 Layered, solid color with a sporty contrast ribbing in black with bright blue. Nose wire fitting to minimize gaps between the mask and face. Made with a sporty look that fits while jogging or running.
Made with tightly woven, cotton blend colored fabric, folded over to create to seampless layers.
Comes in assorted colors.
Blue Cotton Sport Ribbed 2-Layer Home-Sewn, Nose Wire, fabric
Adjust and tighten the metal bar around the nose to create a tight fit.
These cloth/fabric face masks must be washed immediately after a maximum of 6 hours of continuous use to avoid bacterial build up. We recommend placing one thin layer of tissue as an additional moisture absorber
if you intend to use the mask for longer than 2 hours continuously. No mask is 100% protection from infection and spread. The best protection and prevention is to stay at home and away from people. Please help our world fight this pandemic.
Avoid any and all unnecessary contact. Maintain a far (minimum 6 feet) distance and avoiding touching any publicly shared places. Wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds with alcohol-based soap in warm water or hand sanitizers if hand washing is not available. Avoid touching or scratching your face or any open area of your skin.